Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A's 3, Tigers 2

Well, this wasn't a series I expected the A's to win. But they did the the old fashioned A's way - good pitching, lots of walks, lots of runners left on base, and scoring just enough to win.

Two things I pondered as I watched the game today:

1. Dallas Braden can be a good pitcher. I hate to get overly optimistic about prospects on a regular basis, but whenever I watch him, I like him. I know, that's kind of an odd thing to say about a guy who is 1-6 with a 5.28 ERA. But can this guy actually be a reliable #2 or #3 starter by 2010? I'm responding with a hopeful yes.

2. Mark Ellis is becoming more of a power threat this year. Remember those seasons when we thought we needed to upgrade at second base to have a chance? Remember the Ray Durham acquisition? How about the Jeff Kent and Marcus Giles rumors? Well, don't look now, but Ellis has matched career-high season total of 13, and he's got two more months to play. I'd love to see the average back up to 2005 standards, but the added pop is nice for this offensively challenged team. I don't find it odd when he bats fifth sometimes.

Tomorrow the Angels come to town. I will miss the usual intensity of these upcoming games, but I still want to kick their asses.

GO A's!!!

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