Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm back... and so are the A's!

I find the last post I made on this blog pretty funny. "The A's are the team that can't lose..." I said. HA! Until yesterday, this appeared to be the team that couldn't win. But they won. They proved it's possible. So cheer up, A's fans. This is not the worst team in baseball.

I was absent for about a month, much like the A's offense was. But if I come back to blogging, do you think the A's will promise to win a few here and there? I think it's an even trade.

It will be an interesting next 13 days, as the trade of Jason Kendall (how does Billy do it?!) signals that there may be more green and gold boys on the move. Who's next? Dan Johnson? Mike Piazza? Shannon Stewart? Even if the A's don't give us much entertainment on the field, we'll at least have the transactions wire to watch.

So let's get ready to enjoy the rest of this month. Win or lose, there should be a lot to talk about.

GO A's!!!

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